Wind Damage Happens - Specially in Coastal Cities

Wind Damage Public Adjuster 2 - ProFloridian

Why Get a Wind Damage Public Adjuster

Wind can be a powerful and destructive force. It usually has to exceed 40 miles per hour to cause any kind of real damage to a home. Fort Lauderdale residents know it’s wise to have a homeowner’s insurance policy that includes wind damage coverage, because hurricanes batter Florida’s east coast every year.

Hurricane damage is an extreme example of wind damage. When winds exceed 100 miles per hour, you can expect terrible damage to occur. If they exceed 140 miles per hour and reach a Category 5, your home might be torn from its foundation. Still, no matter how much wind damage your home incurs, your insurance policy will cover it.

Hurricane-based wind damage is easy to prove, because everyone knows when a hurricane hits. Hundreds or even thousands of people will file hurricane damage insurance claims at the same time. Obviously, these claims are valid, because everyone has experienced the same tragedy at the same time.

However, heavy winds don’t just happen during hurricanes. They can also arise during thunderstorms. You might not lose your home from these storms, but you can still expect the most vulnerable areas of your home to suffer damage of some kind. These areas include your porch, roof shingles, deck, shed, patio, swimming pool, and other outdoor structures.

Your homeowner’s insurance policy will compensate you for wind damage that was caused to any of these structures. But don’t contact your insurance company just yet. Instead, contact a public adjuster to help you throughout the claims process. That’s the best way to ensure that everything will go smoothly.

The Insurance Claim Process

When a public adjuster is hired to investigate a problem, they document all the damages and losses that occurred as a result of the windstorm. They will review your homeowner’s insurance policy to check whether you’re entitled to benefits based on the type of damage and its severity. Each damaged item will be listed on their report, along with a separate value for each item.

The insurance company will demand a number for total cost of the damage. If the amount is high, the insurance company will send its own claims adjuster to verify whether the wind damage was serious or not. And if the adjuster comes to the same conclusion as the public adjuster, then a check will be issued in the amount of the total damages costs.

When you don’t hire a public adjuster, you’ll have to deal with your insurance company directly. And if you lack experience in the insurance claims process – which most people do – your insurance company may try to pay you a smaller settlement than you deserve. They won’t expect you to mount a strong defense for yourself because of your lack of experience with the claims process. But if they know a public adjuster is helping you out, they may reconsider their position.

Contact a Public Adjuster in Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale is a beautiful coastal city, but it also gets its fair share of wind. If your property has been damaged by wind, don’t just let it slide. Contact a public adjuster in Fort Lauderdale immediately, before you do anything else. Don’t repair the damage until the adjuster has had a chance to check it out. That examination won’t cost you a penny, as you’re entitled to a free consultation for their services.