Boca Raton Denied Claims Public Adjuster

Denied insurance Public Adjuster 10 - ProFloridian

As an insurance policyholder, you depend on your insurance company to provide financial compensation when you need it the most. If your business or home in Boca Raton has been damaged by a vandal, hurricane, wind, fire, water, mold, or anything else, you have the right to file a claim for compensation. Just make sure your insurance policy covers that particular type of damage.

However, insurance companies sometimes deny claims because the claimant’s insurance policy doesn’t include coverage for the cause of the damage. For instance, flood insurance is often a separate type of insurance that’s not included in a standard Florida homeowner’s insurance policy. You need to purchase flood insurance separately to get coverage for a flood.

If you’re confident that your insurance policy covers the damage your property incurred but your insurance company denies your claim, you need to appeal the denial. However, you can’t appeal a denied claim without knowing how to present the best possible defense.

For this reason, it’s in your best interest to hire a public adjuster who specializes in denied insurance claims in Boca Raton. Denied claims are a unique area in the public adjuster profession, because they involve the full spectrum of insurance claims. If you hire one of our public adjusters, we’ll review your insurance policy carefully to determine whether the damage to your property is covered or not.

If we find that your type of property damage is covered, we won’t rest until your insurance company reverses the denial of your claim and agrees to a settlement. In most cases, they will agree to a reversal if they see that you have professional representation to assist you in the matter.

For more information, call our office. We’d be happy to provide a free consultation with one of our denied claim public adjusters in Boca Raton, FL.